About Samabhavana

Samabhavana is a venerated Not for Profit Organization, having proudly served the community for a remarkable 23 years. Since our establishment, we have been deeply committed to making a positive impact on society. We hold official registration and recognition from esteemed authorities -The Maharashtra Charity Commissioner, Niti Aayog, IICA-Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Social Development having requisite authorizations of 80G- 12A, CSR1.

In line with our enduring values, we prioritize inclusivity and equality. Our extensive range of policies encompasses Environmental Health Safety. Child Protection, Diversity, and Non-Discrimination ensuring that every individual is treated with respect and fairness, regardless of factors such as gender, class, creed, race, age, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion, language, marital status, or political conviction.

Our Main objective is to uphold the dignity of individuals who have been stigmatized and marginalized and pushed to the edge due to their Socio financial, Gender, Age and Psychosocial Issues; We are dedicated to preserving their inherent worth and ensuring their well-being.

Samabhavana has formed partnerships with multiple donor agencies to work on projects related to Education, Health, Rural Development, Vocational Skills Development, Livelihood, and Women Empowerment. We are the Pioneers in having organized the 1st CSR conference in 2013 Simultaneously the 1st Seminar on Diversity and Inclusivity, followed by conducting capacity-building training programs with civil society organizations across India supported by Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Additionally, we have conducted awareness and sensitization training sessions on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) and Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POSCO).